13 Nov / 2015

Speaking @ Big Data Bootcamp, Santa Clara 2015-11-13

Sujee Maniyam will be speaking at the following conference.

Conference :  
Big Data Bootcamp at the Global Big Data Conference in Santa Clara (download agenda PDF)

When :

Title : 
Going from Hadoop to Spark

Spark is an up-and-coming distributed computing platform in Big Data and it has a lot of momentum going for it.
The venerable platform for Big Data is Apache Hadoop — deployed widely and can scale to Petabyte data sizes.
So can the new-comer Spark a viable replacement for Hadoop? Should you skip Hadoop and go to Spark?

In this talk, I will walk you through a case study of moving from Hadoop to Spark. We will compare Hadoop and Spark side by side and highlight their strong points and advantages. And present a balanced assessment on which platform might be better for particular needs.

Intended Audience
Developers, Admins, Managers, IT directors

Sujee Maniyam
Sujee is a founder, principal at Elephant Scale where he provides consulting and training on Big Data technologies

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