21 May / 2007
Hello world ! (again)
Hi all,
I had a blog before every cat and dog had one. But I was getting inundated with so much spam. Pretty soon it became not worthwhile to fight it and I shut the blog down (besides I didn’t have very much interesting stuff to say anyway)
Now, with the excellent Akismeet, it is possible to just write a blog without worrying to much about the spam. So I am trying, once again.
I want to write mostly about tech and photography.

By Kumaran 28 May 2007
Hey Sujee… what happend to that 304 online game??
– Kumaran (from the best city in the world – Sydney)
By admin 28 May 2007
@ Kumaran,
I haven’t had much time to work on the game. Looking for Java/Eclipse or Javascript developers to finish the game.
PS : The best city to live is Vancouver 🙂
By Niroshan 30 Aug 2007
Are you trying to say something? Switch to Joomla and you don’t have to complicate your life!